Giving Real World Direct Response Marketing and Copywriting Advice, Help & Results For Serious Entrepreneurs, Business Owners & Players Copywriting / Marketing Inquiry |
If you have a marketing or copywriting project you would like to discuss, please take a little time to familiarise yourself with the following steps in the process. 1. You can send a brief email to me letting me know about your project, your customers, your current marketing activities and what you would ultimately want as the end result of the work created. Please head the email subject line: MARKETING INQUIRY 2. I'll go through your email and if it looks likely that there's a programme of work to be carried out, a paid for consulting phone session is a prerequisite to any works being finally decided upon. 3. After the consulting phone session, one of the following 3 things can happen. i) You thought that there wasn't any value or practical or profitable worth in the call and that being the case, I'll immediately refund your money. ii) You decide that the call was very valuable and you feel you want to carry out the necessary marketing and copywriting work yourself. iii) You want me to carry out the necessary strategic work (if necessary) and to create the various marketing and advertising elements for your project. The phone consulting fees will either be refunded or will go toward the fees for the final project. In the first instance, please send your email to: raja . hireker @ gmail . com
Thank you. P.S If you've not yet read my Direct Response Marketing report, I suggest that you do that before making your inquiry because the report will give you a good idea how direct response advertising and marketing is created, from the ground up. Not only that, you'll become intimately familiar with how my work will impact you. You can get a copy of that report here. P.P.S If you're at all interested, you can see what clients have to say about their experience with me by GOING HERE. |