
2 of the most destructive marketing plans on the planet

What's a person to do...

To build and grow their business, get more sales, bank more profits?

I mean...

There's zillions of plans, strategies, media, tools, consultants, multiple voices lurking in the thick internet forest.. so, it's not really a surprise that there's confusion and chaos living in the basement of the minds of many an entrepreneur and business person in actually knowing and choosing what to do.

And yet...

There are TWO 'marketing plans' that are the most destructive on the planet you want to steer clear of.

What are they?

The first one:

It's called...

DOING NOTHING. (Aka... "Um, dunno)

I mean, there are many who just sit there and literally DO NOTHING more than just sit in front of their internet screen and do NOTHING... Or, do nothing with the info they may have received, even if it's a proven way... they'll do NOTHING.


Well, just asked those who are in your world and in your life who are looking to you and are dependent on you for your financial contribution and commitment.. just ask them if doing nothing is a clear workable strategy.

And I kid you not when I'm asking entrepreneurs and biz people what they're currently doing to bring in business, an alarming number have that "um, dunno" look and conversation about them that's clearly evident that they're in some kind of dream land fog about what they're doing and about the multiple half baked strategies and plans that are abandoned and left to rot, never yo see the bright light of day)

Crazy, but true.

It's not a disease. It happens to us all at some time. It was a strategy I employed for a while - doing nothing and expecting results to show up.

The second destructive marketing strategy?

I've talked about this already in this email.

But let me reframe it into a cohesive potent bullet.

It's called --

Being a Chaos Overload Master.

That means...

....deliberately sucking up everything and anything, buying and subscribing to anything and everything - courses, seminars, workshops, books, podcasts, videos, blogs, webinars -- from all those 'marketing masters and ninja practitioners' - and packing that all into your soon to explode brain because you think and believe that absorbing and being part of everything that's out there when it comes to revving up your money and business...somewhere inside you you believe diving into all that is your answer.

Here's a truism, for what it's worth -

A confused, troubled, chaotic mind, ends up either doing nothing, or... dibbles and dabbles in a little bit of this and a little bit of that... which leads them going deeper and deeper into ever more marketing rabbit holes, thus continuing the hamster wheel cycle of madness, chaos and inner deception.

So what's YOUR answer to what's your perfect marketing plan?

The first answer is to stay WELL CLEAR away from the two destructive marketing plans already talked about --

First, The Doing Nothing, Um, Dunno plan, and second... the Chaos Overload Master plan.

Then next, pick the number one strategy that's customised and perfect for you that'll you work on relentlessly and committedly UNTIL you get the results you want.

And actually, that simple one-sentence plan IS the ULTIMATE time management tool and practice - doing one thing at a time until mastery or until the results, show up. (I'd say park the 'take massive action and have multiple spinning plates all going on at the same time, strategy... for now)

That simple one-sentence marketing plan is a much better option for you than the two destructive options.

I could be wrong. You'll have to put things to the test and challenge it.




raja.hireker@gmail.com / 07903 905 802
© Raja Hireker