 Raja C. Hireker

ATTENTION: Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Professionals, looking for inner revolutions and dramatic outer transformations in your personal and business lives...

Introducing A Completely New,  Revolutionary and Radical Approach to Business, Marketing &  Personal Life Change That'll Have You So On Fire That You'll Be Unable to Sleep - All Because of The Sheer, Irresistible Power of... YOU  

Read on... and I'll Tell You About
Inside The Gift Box Below...

Dear Friend,  

   Changing one's life is pretty easy, when you have the right thinking, the right reasons and someone helping you along the way.  

   And, whatever you do with the information you find here, that's really your choice. However, just by reading this letter your life can change,

   I'm Raja C. Hireker - A professionally accredited Life Change Coach and a Chartered Marketer (you can find out more about that a little later when you go over to www.RajaHireker.com).  I practice both disciplines and have found them to be interlinked at a very deep human level. 

   And, whilst employing both sets of skills, along the way I've consistently found that... 

One of Life's Greatest Myths, Gets Truly  Shattered... Time After Time After Time

   Many self-help and personal development teachers, coaches, mentors believe that significant change happens over a long period of time. And in turn, their clients believe it to be true, also.

   I, on the other hand 
don't believe it. I used to. Not anymore.

   I believe change can happen at pretty remarkable rapidity. And, with the right guidance, coaching and mentoring environment, as well as a conviction in ones own personal attitude, philosophy and beliefs, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.

   Here's what I mean...

Many executives scratched their heads when I told them that they'll be able to... "Learn to count 1-10 in Japanese within 30 minutes  and remember it for at least a year... without me pointing a gun to their heads." They left the session speaking the Japanese numbers like polished diplomats...

In a November 2007 seminar on Entrepreneurial Marketing & Business, 107 entrpreneurs & business owners who didn't for one minute think that they'd be writing compelling, irresistible and personality driven emails to their customer databases asking for money for their products and services... did so... in 5 MINUTES FLAT...  

Franchise owner Andy didn't believe a blizted coaching session in the corridors would enable him to break his, "public speaking" duck...

Dave couldn't believe the impact our coaching and advisory conversations had on him when he faced his first big high profile event...    

Carolyn didn't believe that a bowl of LSD in the morning could have such a dramatic effect on how her day would pan out...     

Sam scratched her head when I clawed back 36k for her which she thought was dead and buried with email copywriting coaching ...

Kojo was on fire with all the possibilities for his radio station and he's on the way to changing his WHOLE approach and strategy towards  his target audience...

Andy was stunned with the simple process I showed him that he was desperately looking for in order to complete the learning of his FOREX training materials in order to become a very well paid trader...  

   There's plenty more where all that's come from and you'll get to read what a number of others have had to say about their experiences with me.

Did I really have something to do with it all?

   I'd say, yes. What I did was to become the stern but loving parent. Providing insights and techniques as well as an environment for growth and development.

   And look, I realise that most of us on the planet have at some time or another, suffered some form of
self doubt, a desperate insecurity, dwindling self confidence, a shattered belief, a distraught self image... 

   The blunt truth is that
I've let a whole stack of ideas, dreams, opportunities, possibilities, just race by me... WHOOSH!  I wondered what the heck happened. And that's because I too suffered from self doubt, total lack of self esteem and was timid as a mouse. However, personally for me, that's all rather different now.

   Should I have been that open and honest with you in letting you see that side of me that was riddled with flaws? Yes, I should. That's because you'll get to see honesty up front, whether our relationship goes onwards from here, or not. 


Fearless, Courageous and Being Bold - it's what we're all want more and More of 

   If  you really look at the achievements of those people at the top of this letter, you'll find that all of them had to overcome one thing - FEAR. Fear of what others will think of them and, the fear of what they think about themselves.

   It's the one thing all of us want to master - FEAR. And, instead of being goverened by fear, we want to move through life with a fearlessness, with an unflappable voice of courage, with a firm commitment to boldness in being whom we want to be, doing what we want to do and living life on our own terms. 

   It's a powerful position to be in. And becoming fearless, courageous and bold is an intergral part of the coaching relationship you'll be part of.        

A Coaching Programme Unlike Any Other Because You Are Unlike Any Other

   There are plenty of books promising the reader a fabulously richer, more abundant, more exciting life. Yet still, there are thousands of people all around the globe using the services of a coach or a mentor. Quite simply, when you click with the right coach or mentor, someone's who's truly in synch with you, your life can EXPLODE into life.  

   So, what makes me any different from all the other coaches and mentors out there?

   It's a very important question and without wanting to come across as anything but informative and helpful, here's how this coaching programme is rather different and here's how I am different.

1. YOU are the star. YOU are the focus. YOU are the centre of attention    Let me be truthful and say that it's very easy for me to play the 'professional in the white coat', handing out instructions and orders and play the pompus know all. I've rebelled against all that kind of thing and have no intention to be anything but a source and a guide to help you fufil your most wanted outcomes. Whether you believe in you right now is not so troubling because I believe in you, 100%.

2.  My Coaching is based on 3 fundamental pillars As with most things in life,  functionality happens when a few fundamentals are followed. My coaching is based on the following 3 pillars. 1. Your image of self is everything. 2. Personal Change can happen incredibly fast 3. Your 'inner spirit' and courage is your vital lifeforce which needs replenishing everyday. I'll not go into detail about the 3 pillars outlined above. What I will say is that careful nuturing of ALL 3 is essential for super success. You'll see it all snap together beautifully once you're 'enrolled' in the coaching process.  

3. I DELIBERATELY shovel boredom right out of my house, life and business on a daily basis so be prepared to be challenged in an unusual, unorthodox and exciting fashion... if you'll let me. Lively, contributing, vibrantly exciting lives cannot happen when there's a continious air of discontent, apathy and resignation from those around you. I can guarantee you one thing, our coaching relationship will NEVER border on the fringes of boredom. If it does... FIRE ME! I'm big on comedy, laughter and those things that give the body, heart and mind, a rejuvenating, lift. You'll find that spill over into your life also, and... you won't be able to stop it. (I think you'll find this to be the antidote to pretty much anything in life that needs fixing)  

4. I am a professional direct response copywriter and have deep insights to the connection to how we speak to ourselves and how we promote ourselves to the world in print and various written forms We pretty much sentence ourselves to the life we live, by the language we use. I have developed the simple knack of communication via the printed word, in print and on a pc. My Life Strategies and Marketing newsletter for coaches, consultants and entrpreneurs has so affected many who read it that many consider it the most valuable newsletter they get.   Simply put, there's a BIG link between Mind, Marketing, Motivation & Results Oriented Living and YOU will get to experience it first hand in your life.

5.I've been coached and still continue to do so Academia and studies are all well and good. However, in the playing field of life, many theories fly out the window and life moves along with the tempo and improvisation of a theatre performance that's lost its leading star - the show must go on.  I've been coached and mentored by the most in demand, most acknowledged and most respected coaches and mentors on the planet - the very same people who seamlessly walk their talk and have beautifiully rich and abundant lives to prove it. Whay they've passed onto me, is priceless. You'll get to benefit from all that input.

6. It's all about getting  'STUFF' done... YOUR STUFF  Your life is important to you. And, quite possibly, a number of other people in your life depend on you becoming as successful as you can be. I'm sure you've put things off in your life. Let things slide. Didn't DO what you should've when the timing was just perfect for you to actually step on the accelerator of life. Well, let me tell you that things will change for you, rather dramatically. If there's ONE thing I detest and probably you do too, is the wastage of our most precious resource -TIME. You'll find that the time you may have previously squandered, won't ever happen again. 

7. I don't expect to be rewarded if you're not rewarded   There's no pleasure in life when there's no accomplishment. I'm pretty convinced that supreme happiness occurs when we see others we know and love, excel and achieve their most wanted dreams and goals. I get no joy in my life getting paid without delivering powerful change mechanisms and insights for people. Life is important to you. And, quite possibly, a number of other people in your life depend on you becoming as successful as you can be. It's a two way realtionsip; if I don't deliver what you expect, and more, then I expect you to show me the door and give me the boot. Quite frankly, I dont' deserve to be in a relationship with you... so please... FIRE ME!       

Maybe You're Suited For This New Kind of Radical Coaching. On The Other Hand,  Maybe You're Not... I truly don't know

   I want to thank you for reading this far. However, I'm not entirely sure if you're suited for this type of coaching. Truly. Maybe you are, maybe not. I don't know for sure. However, to see if there's a possibility of us connecting with eachother, please consider the questions below. You'll see a little summary of things after the questions. 

A Qualifying Exercise:

1.  Have you found that you've often tried and given up on certain goals and projects, one right after another?

2. Are you a "yo-yo" success chaser? Able to achieve a few goals and ambitions, maybe achieve something significant when you really try (maybe because a family or friend kicked you up the backside or you found out someone secretly criticised you) but then, you put their comments and criticisms to the front of your mind, quickly putting you on the back pedal again. 

3. Are you able to create great impact- but not the inner peace you crave?"

4. Have you found that your persuasive writing skills could be ramped up for better results writing

5. Do you attend courses, buy books, even tried hiring a personal coach even when you are swamped with a backlog of projects and have still ended up stressed, depressed, frustrated?

6. Are you subject to mid-project "energy fade?"

7. Do you secretly desire rapid success but have previously believed it's not possbible?

8. Do you overload your head with too much information that you can't decide what to do first?

9. Do you get over excited and splash out on a new productive routine, even though you are in the middle of an existing one? 

10. Are you concerned about your success and life not just from a personal standpoint, but also how others see you?

11. Do you have some especially strong reason or motivation to finally, successfully achieve your business and life goals? (Has your spouse lost romantic interest in you? Do you feel your age is catching up with you? Do you think money is holding you back in your business or career?)

12. Do you feel really ready to "turn a deaf ear" to fad success courses, gimmicks, tools and Internet and late night TV "hype"?

13. Would you value the assistance of a professional marketing and life change coach who has personally been coached by the best minds in the business and who it turn, lives a rewarding and gratifying life based on the coaching philosophy he promotes?

14. Would you truly value an overall improvement in your finances, personal happiness and marketing of yourself and your business or career?

   If you answered "Yes" to 6 or more of these 14 questions, you are probably a good candidate for my coaching programme. If you answered "Yes" to 9 or more, quite frankly, you have an urgent need for assistance in moving your life forward in the direction you want AND seem a very good candidate for my programme. (NOTE: I'll still mention at this point that I will NOT accept you into the programme if, in consultation, we both determine you are unlikely to achieve the personal goals and results you crave and desire.)

What About The Cost?

   This coaching Programme is a unique Personal Success, Marketing & Life Change programme, including a thorough client profile analysis is obviously not a "bargain basement, half price sale special".  There's plenty of vendors, scrambling, looking to take your money and deliver to you a limited coaching experience. Quite frankly, as in most cases in life, you pretty much get what you pay for.   

   And over time, the costs of not letting your projects come to life, staying sheltered from the glare and dazzle of all the opportunities out there, being couped up from the possible acquaintances and joint venture partners, the money wasted on doomed-to-fail success programmes, certainly far far exceeds your investment in this programme.

   More importantly, only you can decide just how valuable the coaching relationship to you, really is. Only you can decide what it'll be worth to you in monetary, satisfaction, peace of mind, quality of living terms as you stand triumphant over your fears and you're now a person of powerful courage and boldness. Only you can decide.

   Here's an example for you about the value of the coaching partnership - my coach and mentor Steve Chandler pays someone (the extraordinary Steve Hardison) 150k a YEAR for personal coaching!

   "Why on earth would he do that!!?"...
you may ask.
   Well, it's precisely for the fact that Steve Chandler (best selling author and consultant with 17 books under his belt) doesn't want to rest on his laurels. He wants someone to challenge and push him out of the safe and secure environment he would definitely fall into if it wasn't for the coaching and guidance of another person.      

   Personally, I've invested over 50k of my own money in training and coaching and continue to invest at least 7.5k-10k a year in order to continually refine and push myself to higher limits. 

   Before I share with you the precise way to contact me you should know what this coaching programme does NOT contain:


   As you would have read, there's a lot that is NOT in this coaching programme. And yes, if, and only if you're happy with our conversation will I send you a special gift box containing your Extraordinary Guarantee 


   I don't know how many goals, dreams and ambitions are still sitting in the corner shelf of your mind, gathering dust, not going anywhere... no matter how successful you may be, or not.  And, how much value you'd attach to each and what the may mean to you in bottom line terms, in quality of life, in peace of mind, in satisfaction terms. Quite frankly, only you know the true answer to that. 

   I just want to say that if you're thinking the wheels of your life aren't fully rotating in the smooth way you'd like, then, let's have a conversation.  You should in the first instance contact me on hireker@btopenworld.com Or, by Tel/Fax: 44 (0) 208 764 1085 

       Many thanks,

     Raja C. Hireker
     Refusing to buy into people's limitations of themselves

P.S. There's been a great number of times I've spoken at events, trainings, where I've noticed people clamouring to hear what's being said... and that's just in the corridors, around the lunch table and in in between sessions.  Yes, that's what actually happened. People have not heard much of the information I speak about. Especially in the way it's said. And it gets them thinking, behaving and acting, differently. And I say this with no boasting, no hype, no puffery. It's simply the feedback I get from attendees at workshops, seminars and personal clients of mine.      

P.P.S. Please read the few comments from those who've benefitted from the interaction they've had, in one way or another. 

"Raja has a unique way of blending practical marketing and copywriting information, with the wisdom of the head, mind and heart. As a speaker, he's engaging, alive and challenges audiences to break their preconceived barriers and proceeds to demonstrate how really skillful they truly are. I'd hire him again, in a hearbeat."

Neil Asher - Managing Director
New Insights Life Coaching Ltd
B.M.C, Friese Green House, 15-17 Middle Street, Brighton, East Sussex, England, BN1 1AL - Tel: 0845 094 02 12

And, here's what Neil has to say about the advertising and promotional writing I do for him 

Raja's simple copywriting style is magically effective and speaks direct to the reader. If you're looking to really connect with your clients and prospects through the written word, you'd be crazy not to hire this guy. I have used MANY copywriters and no one comes close to Raja.

"If there was one copywriter and marketing mastermind I would rather keep under wraps and not share with anyone else it would be Raja. I would dearly love to keep him 'under lock and key' as a full-time member of my team ... In reality that's just not possible. Raja's genuine enthusiasm for each project he becomes involved with is overwhelming. He truly ensures everything that can be done IS DONE in order for a promotion to pull its best response possible. One little change Raja put in place within my marketing copy doubled the conversion rate of my subscription website almost overnight... When you find a copywriter like that YOU'LL want to keep him quiet too!"
Nick James - Entrepreneur & Million Pound Earner Via Internet & Mail Order

"Raja really is the Deepak Chopra of copywriting and direct marketing. Thanks for all your insights and teaching" Caroline Eddins - attendee at Copywriting Workshop-Heathrow, London.

“I had a 10 minute talk with Raja and he absolutely blew me away with the number of ideas he gave me to boost my profits in my business. He constantly asks question upon question to uncover the solutions to my problems. He really cared about me and my business and I would recommend him to anyone. He has one of the sharpest marketing minds I have ever met”
Hayden Sullivan – Marketer of Personal Care & Therapy Services

"Raja  is BRILLIANT! He has given me a ton of help and sound, practical advice. He is firing with ideas and strategies and is always focused to help you in your current situation and, moves you forward profitably, and with patience. I hang onto his every word and can't wait for his emails and newsletters also. If you get the chance to work alongside him...GRAB IT!"
David Nickalls - Pro Infomedia

Business entrepreneur Andy, had this to say about the short 'public speaking' bugaboo I eased him through, as well as being influenced with the written communication he receives from me...

From: "Endeavour Life Coaching" andy@xxxxxxxxx 
To: "RAJA HIREKER" <hireker@btopenworld.com>
Subject: Re: Hey Andy!
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:53:20 -0000

Hi Raja,

Lovely to hear from you.

Well I would expect you've seen an increase in your newsletter subscriptions.

I have told everyone I know about you and I am modelling my style on  yours as it was very similar before I heard you speak but seeing you in action and reading your newsletter just confirms that it is a style I am comfortable with.

I keep your newsletters in a folder now as I really think they are the  best I have read. Why? Because they really speak to you and I use them for inspiration.

You had a lot of positive feedback when I asked people their opinions.

I'll be free to meet you whenever is convenient for you as I owe you a  great thanks for the 'public speaking' advice:-)

Many Thanks,


To: "RAJA HIREKER" <hireker@btopenworld.com>
Subject: From a friend in Costa Rica
From: "David Rivas" <xxxxxxxxxxx.com>  
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 11:01:39 -0600

Dear Raja:

I know it´s been quite a long time ago, when  I had the good opportunity to meet you, since then... I have been trying to apply in my life those words we shared.

You may be trying to find out who I am ..well I will let you know my dear friend ... I was Gary Halbert´s * assistant and we met on the Arizona Biltmore on Phoenix,  we shared the room.

Even though we had just a short time to have a nice conversation I knew i was right in front of a good man so I try to catch every single word you said.

Now that Gary is gone I work for IBM in Costa Rica as  an Accountant.

I would highly appreciate if you could take just sometime to answer this e-mail.... I would like to learn as much as I can from you as well as  I did it from Gary.

I just started to read you website today and I truly believe I am going to become addicted to it.

Thank you one more time Friend.


*Gary Halbert was one of world's greatest Direct marketers and copywriters whom I studied with and learned a great deal from. He died, Easter, 2007. Anyway, during a seminar I attended in Phoenix Arizona, I happened to share a room with David Rivas, Gary Halbert's personal assisstant. I had given David Rivas secret coaching in how to face a huge VIP audience and to come out of it confident, in control and ecstatic. The above email was his appreciation and gratitude because of it. 



Raja C Hireker - 6 Runnymede Cr, London SW16 5UD
Tel/Fax: 44 (0) 208 764 1085






 Writing & Creating 



Copyright © Raja C. Hireker 2007-2008