










"If You Can't Explain it Simply,
You Don't Know it Well Enough"

                                                                       Albert Einstein

    I don't often give or host seminars, trainings or workshops. That's because I'm personally involved in dealing with clients, coaching them, creating, developing & writing programs and projects. It's what gives me a buzz and that's what I use my time for.

    However, whenever I do participate in seminars and trainings, there's one single aim that's uppermost in my mind:

To give valuable, practical, usable information that someone can put to work the very next day by explaining things in a simple, doable & memorable way.
    Quite frankly, there are only a few topics I cover.

 -- How to Write
 -- Creating Ideas
 -- Developing Desire
 -- Magical Mindset for Business Owners
 -- Courage & Fearlessness
 -- Goal Attraction
 -- Personality Marketing
 -- Motivation for Accomplishment

     Now, if you're looking for a high energy, rah rah razamattaz, Mr charisma who's, full of pump, fist and big on the vocal chords, then you'll have to give me a miss.

     However, if you're looking for your audience to have their commitment level turned way up about what they're up to... if you're looking for them to develop the courage and fearlessness they thought was beyond the... if you're looking for them to get extraordinary value from their association with you... then, we should have a conversation.

     And also, if you're looking for someone to connect with your audience who'll challenge, create and really give them food for thought in a simple, friendly and unboring way, then please contact me and let's discuss the possibilities.            

With client Nick James after a marketing & salesletter training 
delivered to his entrepreneurial customers in October 2007


Raja has a unique way of blending practical marketing, copywriting & Personal Development information, with the wisdom of the head, mind and heart. As a speaker, he's engaging, alive and challenges audiences to break their preconceived barriers and proceeds to demonstrate how really skillful they truly are. I'd hire him again, in a hearbeat.


Neil Asher - New Insights Life Coaching Ltd - (Comments made after delivering presentation to over 100 entrepreneurs at Neil's Finanical Freedom Millionaire's Bootcamp - Nov 2007)

Having seen you, heard you speak and having read your e-missiles and newsletters..... your style and approach is one of genuine care and help. I have truly benefited from increased self-awareness, what is behind my thoughts and feels and being able to crystallise what I want to achieve. In turn this helps me put a plan of action in place and more importantly take action. Congruently your newsletters put a smile on my face and make me realise that what ever action I take, I do with a smile and enjoy.

Simon Shafi -- Financial Mastery Bootcamp Attendee

"Raja really is the Deepak Chopra of copywriting and direct marketing & the mind. Thanks for all your insights and teaching" Caroline Eddins - attendee at Copywriting /Entrepreneurial Thinking Workshop - Heathrow, London.

“I guess you really do have a special knack and technique in the use of the written word and presentation. Normally, I would just glimpse at a website and have a sort of ‘general browse' at the content. With yours however I found myself reading the whole thing, word for word, even the contact us details in full. It literally kept me engrossed. I guess also that one can learn a heck of a lot from what you do Raja!”


Ron Woodham Attendee at October 2007 BUSINESS MASTERCLASS

Wizco publishing



My Own Seminar Attendance


     I find that my own participation as an attendee in seminars and trainings, helps me enormously. And I'll explain what that means.

     You see, I'm extremely particular where or whom I invest my time with. And in the seminar world it seems as it everyone wants you to "come on down" and attend.

     I make it a practice to only go to the seminars where I can learn the skills, insights and knowledge I want, from those whom I consider the best in the world at what they do.

     So, with Steve Chandler, Matt Furey, Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert - I've found my experts. And, I make it a practice and discipline to attend at least one key seminar, training or workshop every year.

      And I can say that attending such events, keeps my mind sharp, active and alert for the new possibilities and creative insights - the very information I can share with clients to move their lives in a powerful forward momentum. 

 Getting in Touch

      If you see something here on this page that really feel that would benefit you and the audience you serve, then get in touch with me via any of the ways below.

     Many thanks,


Raja C Hireker - http://www.RajaHireker.com
Tel/Fax: 44 (0) 208 764 1085 hireker@btopenworld.com











Copyright © Raja C. Hireker 2007/2008