Raising the quality, standard and impact of your written communications to help you influence more, sell more, motivate more and inspire more people to invest in you and your products, services and programmes 
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A little while ago I was talking to a fellow who had purchased a house via auction. He'd done up the property from top to bottom and it was now up for sale. A number of weeks went by and I asked him how the sale of the property was going. He mentioned that there was some kind of activity but not the kind he wanted.

And so after hearing him, I asked him if I could give him my ideas and observations in how to get the property sold. He of course, agreed. 

Among many things, were these small collection of ideas I gave him... ranging from... revamping the selling proposition... finding better places to advertise... how to properly incentivise the Estate Agents... how to create an unusually compelling offer... what to do with a third interested party who pulled out of the buying cycle... how to deal with the inquiries who turn up to view and who say they aren't interested in the property... how to effectively decipher what to do with the weekly feedback info received from the Estate agents... how to best use the £20k-£25k margin he has in reducing the price... what to put on a private website to sell the property and rake in all the money, giving word for word copy on the fly in what to say in an ad that'd have the prospect buyer more intrigued and interested in knowing more than they would if reading the dry, bland, bog standard uncaring descriptive copy written up by the estate agents.

After sharing these ideas and insights with him, he was somewhat compelled to asked me - "what do you do again?" I told him... "I think you've just experienced it!"How and Why, did I learn to do all this, to make my brain be this bubbling cauldron concoction of marketing, coaching, business and communications?   

Because I was drawn, fascinated by the direct marketing communications I'd get in the post to do with business and personal growth and and I'd find myself immersed in it all. There was something magical in it. And yet, for the most part, all around me, in all media, I saw such bland, weak and lazy communications and advertising messages selling all kinds of products and services, though they didn't really want to make me fall in love with really any product or service. It just didn't. There was no care or love or heart being demonstrated in the selling and promoting. So much so that I said to myself that I want to learn how to do what others aren't doing, and to do it in a passionate, meaningful, results based way. I wanted to help sell other people's products and services and communicate it all in a powerfully effective and compelling way. Yet, it had to be unique to each individual client.

And through the buying of various products and services, I saw there was little to ZERO commitment to creating an astonishing experience for me. Much of it was a dull anti-climax. There was just no real energy and embracing commitment. And there certainly was little to zero sincerity in any follow up communications. And yes, that included purchasing big ticket items like a house, a car, educational and coaching programmes, holidays. So that became the trigger point for me to dive in.

For 15 years I studied. I learned. I read. I failed. I experimented. I tested. And then, I did it all over again. Looking back on it, I loved it all. The KEY to it all was application and implementation of the very ideas and strategies I'd learned from the best of the best in direct response marketing, Personal Growth & performance based coaching. And when you invest 10+ years flying in order to work directly and learn from real world practitioners, and invest over six figures of your own money (because the traditional and orthodox professional education I fed my brain when it came to marketing, communications and psychology, just wasn't working) you take things a lot more seriously, you get to know what really works, and, what actually doesn't. You learn what to discard and delete, and what to retain and keep.      

What I did then, over time, was to fuse everything together to form my own special blend of thinking, idea generation, marketing, coaching and writing - into a formula. A formula that simply cannot be duplicated by anyone else because no-one else sees or experiences the world in the way that I do, nor will they have had the various life experiences and encounters I have, nor will they have the same way of connecting, articulating or expressing something in the way I do.  

And so that's how my communication, marketing and idea cauldron mixing pot has become so deep and diverse.   

For example, here's some of what gets put to full use when working with clients (and how they then model the same ideas, practices and skills in their own lives and businesses) - how to think clearly, how to ask great questions, how to solve marketing, communication and business problems, how to articulate and express one's ideas and thoughts clearly in print, how to motivate and energise a person into action, how to create problem solving ideas and turn them into practical plans, how to break the complex and communicate it in its simplest terms, how to break apart a businesses marketing and thinking system, and then put them back together again in a more optimised, better performing way.

As you'll probably detect, when these skills are combined, utilised in collaborative harmony, the resulting compounded effect can solve almost any marketing, communication or business problem. Now, I've now gravitated to predominantly helping business and professionals in the learning, training, leadership, coaching and personal development fields. It seemed the right area to focus my attention and skills in as I've been a Coach since 2001 and that's been an integral component inside the work I do with my business and marketing clients. It seemed a perfect fit.

Whether or not your business operates in the learning, training, leadership, coaching and personal development fields, if you like what you've seen on this website and if you're considering taking your business or venture on a new, fresh and exciting journey where you want to find out how high is high, how profitable is profitable, to find out what are the best performing assets in your business, how to make your marketing and your communications be the best performing, the most profitable they can be, how to create and endless stream of profitable ideas, how to know if all your business and activity flow are in alignment and sync with your overall vision and purpose... if that truly speaks to you, then I suggest you and I have a no strings, no commitment conversation to see what kind of possibilities exist. I think you'll enjoy the conversation. I think you'll find it stimulating. I think you'll find it to be productive, practical and immensely profitable for you. And I never hold back in my conversations. Never

© Raja Hireker 2022 /
raja . hireker @ gmail.com / 07903 905 802