Marketing, Copywriting, Consulting, Coaching Speaking









There's nothing worse than getting into a profitable venture and to see it crumble before you very eyes. Super marketing can get you out of all sorts of trouble. It can solve the most pressing of problems. It can put smiles on faces where none existed. You owe it to yourself to get all that you can from the venture your family depends on you making..   

FREE, But Valuable! The Non-Snoozy
Marketing & Life Strategies Coaching Newsletter... 
... giving, busy, tired, worn out and time challenged consultants, coaches, elite service pros and online business entrepreneurs, fabulously effective marketing and life strategies that dramatically increases your profits, your happiness...
AND... your quality of living!

"Come on in and push through the swinging doors; you're invited to a very personal, frank and sincere conversation with one end in mind... TO WAKE YOU UP to the fabulous lifestyle that's awaiting you, your business and your family..."   


What Others Have Said - Without me  Putting A Gun to Their Heads! 

Raja, let me acknowledge receipt of your excellent newsletter. I
like the style and content and anything I can do to give it a plug... please just ask! Rob Warlow - Editor and publisher of The Online Small Business Success 
“Raja knows more about the techniques of persuasion than nine out of ten copywriters. He has a winning style, great determination, huge enthusiasm and unusual ingenuity” Drayton Bird Former VP of Ogilvy & Mather and Author of Commonsense Direct Marketing and Sales Letters That Sell

"If there was one copywriter and marketing mastermind I would rather keep under wraps and not share with anyone else it would be Raja. I would dearly love to keep him 'under lock and key' as a full-time member of my team ... In reality that's just not possible. Raja's genuine enthusiasm for each project he becomes involved with is overwhelming. He truly ensures everything that can be done IS DONE in order for a promotion to pull its best response possible. One little change Raja put in place within my marketing copy doubled the conversion rate of my subscription website almost overnight... When you find a copywriter like that YOU'LL want to keep him quiet too!"
Nick James - Entrepreneur & Million Pound Earner Via Internet & Mail Order

"Raja really is the Deepak Chopra of copywriting and direct marketing. Thanks for all your insights and teaching" Caroline Eddins - attendee at Copywriting Workshop-Heathrow, London.

“Whether you take Raja up on any of his Marketing & advertising Services or not, probably doesn't make a lot of difference to him. But, it could make a big difference to you! If anything, you should at least hear the quick fire magic that pours out of his head as it relates to your particular business.”
RON CARUTHERS - collegeplanninginc.com
/http://www.kusi.com/ news/local/2383021.html

& Colleague in 10K per Person Sales Letter Workshop, Cleveland, Ohio.

Raja Hireker & Ron Caruthers
After 3 days of Salesletter workshops, masterminding and coaching - it's time to unwind at the races - Cleveland,Ohio 2005

“Raja’s copywriting and marketing, is magic and he has used them to great effect for us” JONATHAN JAY – MD of Europe’s Largest Coaching & Training Organisation, The Coaching Academy

“I had a 10 minute talk with Raja and he absolutely blew me away with the number of ideas he gave me to boost my profits in my business. He constantly asks question upon question to uncover the solutions to my problems. He really cared about me and my business and I would recommend him to anyone. He has one of the sharpest marketing minds I have ever met”
Hayden Sullivan – Marketer of Personal Care & Therapy Services

"Raja  is BRILLIANT! He has given me a ton of help and sound, practical advice. He is firing with ideas and strategies and is always focused to help you in your current situation and, moves you forward profitably, and with patience. I hang onto his every word and can't wait for his emails and newsletters also. If you get the chance to work alongside him...GRAB IT!"
David Nickalls - Pro Infomedia

Raja, your ideas are exceptional. I'll be using them for a number of promotions I'm doing.
Troy White - Business Builder and Small Business Contributor to 'The Total Package' 


Raja C. Hireker

Dear Colleague and Fellow Pro:

     It seems quite a number of business owners and service professionals 
struggle and suffer with any number of the following - do you?

... the immense lack of fun and joy you experience whilst running your business...

... a lack of qualified clients who’ll come back again and again to buy what you have to offer...

... not enough time to implement the marketing ideas and strategies – thus, holding you back from expanding and growing...

... untrustworthy partners and employees to help create the business vehicle you’ve always dreamt of owning...

... lack of cash flow because of past business investments and purchases that have turned out to be instant, deadly fatal flops...

... weak Internet and technical skills that stops you from fully taking advantage of the greatest marketing opportunity that the Internet provides...


... being fed the WRONG information about business and living that has somewhat clouded your thinking and outlook in what you can ultimately do with your business...


... lack of new products and ideas to attract new prospects, stimulate and resuscitate past and inactive clients...


... or any of the other aspects of running a successful business, practice and family life...    

     Well, let me tell you that you’re in the right place to get those problems solved, once and for all... so they never ever recur as a problem in your life... ever again!

A Few Myths... Shattered

When you started out on your personal entrepeneurial trail, didn't you think that life and business was going to be a whole lot of fun... that it was all going to snap together like a perfect life puzzle... that it was going to be the glorious feather in your proud cap of ambition?


     For many who are just like you, it all seems like it's merely a fantasy; a moment that's frozen in time. And, when it'll thaw, who knows?

     And the funny thing is, it's the same feeling whether your stuck at earning 500 smackers a month, or raking in 50,000 a month...  the fact is -- you've hit a ceiling... then... life's no fun, there's no excitement, there's no momentum.  

 A view from the inside out
     Being a professional marketing consultant and personal development coach, I can tell you that I've seen my fair share of the horrible business pain and the suffocating life frustration experienced by many skilled, qualified and really good people.

     Quite frankly, it troubled me.


     I personally know a lot of people who have gone out on their own, chasing the dream of being in business for themselves, living the life of freedom, of earning the big fees, of having the control they’ve never had before, without having to answer to no-one.

     Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?

     But, do you know there's a gigantic looming problem why these poor souls are never really contented, never feeling fufilled, never experiencing true joy. It's because they're typically working for a lunatic... THEMSELVES!


     They're all at sea, heading towards a mighty shipwreck, trying to handle everything themselves. Trusting no one but their own intuition and their level of understanding of what it takes to make their profitable enterprise, work. 


     Indeed, a possible disaster in the making.


     Does that seem harsh, unfair, the truth?


    Maybe. But, do you know what... it doesn't have to be that way, anymore.

      You see, apart from creating marketing documents, special reports, conducting marketing consulting and copywriting programmes and campaigns...


     I write and publish a specific newsletter called 'SWINGING FOR THE FENCES' to help solve these pressing and immediate problems.


     It's a Marketing & Life Strategies newsletter aimed at helping a quality group of professionals and business entrepreneurs to fall in love with their lives again using smart marketing and super living strategies.


You'll gain BIG by leaping ahead of the pack


     This website will roar into full life, fairly soon. When it does, you'll be able to read in more detail about the SWINGING FOR THE FENCES PUBLICATION. And also, about the various copywriting, marketing and coaching opportunities which you may find useful

     However, if you'd like to jump ahead of the pack and get enrolled into the publication today, then here's all you have to do: Simply add your First name and your primary email address below.

The 'Swinging For The Fences'
Marketing & Life Strategies e-Newsletter
First Name:
Your Email :

     Once you do that, you'll be instantly subscribed to the  'Swinging for The Fences' Marketing & Life Strategies e-Letter...

Eternally Grateful

Life and business is meant to be fun, simple and profitable. This website does its utmost to make that happen and, is indebted to a number of people.

To Albert Einstein who said…
If you can’t explain things simply, you don’t know it well enough!” 

To Canadian master novelist and raconteur Robertson Davies who celebrated aliveness and the human spirit whilst dismissing all those individuals who thought life was nothing more than a grim dress rehearsal of the impending doom. 

To my dearest uncle NG.UKE ,who shared and taught me the essence of what it means to live well, live happy, accomplish high whilst still being a lovable, sweet human being.  

To the rare breed of marketers, entrepeneurial thinkers and inspirational leaders who helped shaped my thoughts, my attitude and instilled the belief that...
anything's possible... 

     And so for you, 


The Time Bomb on Our Lives is... ticking, ticking, ticking. When will yours go off?

As  comfortable as people think they are in terms of time, as an entrepeneur and a doer of life, you should be aware that whilst the rest of the world thinks that they're immortal, we're not!

There's a definite end to life and we need to be aware and ready to embrace it. However, there's a life of joy & abundance still to be had.

Register for the newsletter and you'll know more than the rest in how to make it happen! 

      And then... look out! For every week you'll receive an email that'll be like non other. PLUS, once a month, you'll also receive the full blown monthly newsletter edition. And, do you know what? It's all... FREE! which means that it's costing you nothing, nada, zip


And look, just because it's FREE, doesn't mean there's nothing of value

       On the contrary...

     There's vital insights and practical information that puts profits in your pocket, smiles on faces and... a bounce in your step.

     Don't believe me? 

     Well, here's a little of what you've missed already:

*MONEY MONEY MONEY - the service owner and business entrepreneur speaks so lowly of it that it never reaches his wallet in bundles...


*Silly bits of affluence you really ought to be paying attention to - if you want to to elevate your earnings that is...


*5 Super Ways to stamp out TIME VAMPIRES once and for all...


*The trouble is most service professionals and business entrepreneurs are in un chartered territory when it comes to marketing and practice building...


*FOOD FOR YOUR HEAD - books you really ought to be devouring in oder to give you that mental edge...


*Falling in love with your clients and customers is the most endearing thing you can ever do for your business or practice...


*Super entrepreneurial stories from small business owners around the world that are quite frankly, astonishing...


*Birthday promotions and why your clients and customers will fall head over heels in love with you...


*'Silly' facts you really could use in promoting your practice consultancy or your business...


*Getting your marketing calendar revved and ready for action...


*How to successfully sell at PREMIUM PRICES...


*The ABRACADABRA Life and Moneymaking Formula - the ultimate success strategy...

*Being who you want to be... even if there's no evidence to support you...    

 A snippet from a recent edition of the 'Swinging for the Fences' newsletter

   There's a number of people we all know who have talked themselves out of a great and meaningful life.
   Instead, they're merely enduring, hanging on, wishing how different it could all have  been. 
   It's not that these people are stupid and are nestled on the lowest rung of life's hand outs.
   On the contrary.
   These people are smart, educated, have dough in the bank.
   But still, they're living the 'hamster wheel' factory mentality of a life. 
   Do you feel like most people when asked about how someone in the public eye could walk away from a fortune? 
-- whether if it's being in a popular sitcom, playing a sport to the top of their game, singing to the best that their voice will allow --
   Well, it's simply because these people have hit their 'brick wall'. Life's become a mundane 'factory' existence.
   Day in day out, doing the same thing. I mean, it can just get to someone, can't it?
   And yes, the deadly dissatisfaction virus can strike anyone at any moment in life -- irrespective of where they currently are, what their earnings, or what their status. 
   There's one key factor in a person's life that is totally unique to them from every other single person on the planet, just like their
   Tell me, have you ever walked away from something in your mind and then, on reflection, knew you should've gone with your instincts?
   Well, that's what I  mean when I say that we talk ourselves out of a good life. 
   You add up a few of these every month and you'll soon see your own shocking catalogue of turned away opportunities,
relationships that could've been strengethened, living a quality life instead of the 'run of the mill' mundane...
    Next time you come across a situation that requires that you 'Trust your Gut' go for it and see what results?

     And that's just the beginning of it all!

That's because, here's a little of what you can expect
to come your way...


* Super ways to attract all the A-GRADE clients and customers that you want… without you beating them over the head with a wooden stick!

*Gloriously simple ways to accelerate the impact and effectiveness of your writing, marketing brochures, websites and any thing else that depends on the importance of your written word…

* Fabulously simple ways to ensure your existing clients and customers go nowhere else for the service or product you are promoting...

* The seemingly silly 'NON ESSENTIAL' aspects of living that can have a dramatic impact in the way you're perceived...

* Advertising secrets that'll boost your business, practice or consultancy that most ad agencies and business consultants haven't a clue about! (and, where instead, they'll charge you an arm, your head and both legs for mediocrity, non results based marketing!)

* Smart ways that'll revolutionise the way you work!(I know this is troubling for many; there really is something to learn from those at 'McDonalds')...

* The USP of Truth and Sincerity. Quite frankly, there's not a clamouring market for the TRUTH. However, those who use and practice it in life and business, flourish beyond their wildest dreams! You'll find out how...

* Unbelievable stories from around the world of business people doing exactly the same as what you are, and who are making a fortune using a few, simple advertising, marketing and positional strategies! (- All will be revealed like a magician pulling back the curtain and letting you in on how the trick was done!)...

* The tragedy of' YCDBSOYB' and why avoiding it can keep you out of the business graveyard! (Wouldn't you prefer a life of beautiful riches instead?)...

* The TIME BOMB CLOCK that's ticking for us all and why paying careful attention to this piece of advice can turn your life around in the twinkling of your eye...

* Why the best product or service in the world is useless without a flow of continuous, happy-to-pay customers and clients, the one's that'll keep your pipeline FULL FULL FULL!...


* The lessons I learnt from a 'Super Dentist' and how it can cause a revolution in your business too!...

* Self Perception & Self Image - how you think about yourself can rob you of the life you truly want! (get this one single thing and you'll never ever 'crumble' when you have to quote a fee, negotiate a business transaction or make THAT presentation)...

* The REAL way to TEST your advertising and marketing efforts and ensure that you don't end up with dramatic, deadly fatal flop...

* Warmth, empathy, sincerity, and emotional involvement are what your clients, prospects, family and friends are looking for: how to give it to them so that they'll never ever want to leave you!...

* How to ensure that your business thrives on referrals and how to guarantee that your CHAMPION REFERERS gives you a flow of never ending business...

* Everything you've always wanted to know about how the rich buy your products and services... but didn't know how to find out about it...

* The '5 letter word' that trumps all others when it comes to deciding whether you live a life of mediocrity... or... a life of excitement, wealth and adventure...

* Why linking offline marketing with online strategy will give you a staggering difference in results than if you only use one of the methods...

*Why integrating your personality into your marketing will win people over in droves and will fall in love with your authenticity...

     And there's more...
lots more!

     Simply climb on board and you'll see that there's a lot more life and energy in what you do, what you say, and... in what you can ultimately do for others.   

The 'Swinging For The Fences'
Marketing & Life Strategies e-Newsletter
First Name:
Your Email :

A newsletter publication that's definitely NOT ordinary, run of the mill, makes you want to sleep, hyper boring or full of ego-filled self importance  

There's so much information in the world today that it takes a lot to 'be different' in order to stand out from the me too crowd.

     I mean, all we have to do is switch on the tv, flip the pages of the latest magazine, pour through the various marketing and business resources in order to see that there's a
desperation going on in order to keep our attention.

will you except?

We've all one life. We can either live it with energy, with gusto, with the excitement and the knowing that not all of life's dreams work out...


... we can shut off the dreamworks in our mind, and instead - live a dull, lifeless, un inspiring existence that has us counting the days when we really have no other choice in life but...
to lie still.

How do you want the rest of your life to look like, to feel like, to taste like?  

     Quite honestly, with the trade jounrnals, marketing information, self help books and a lot of the periodicals I refer to to help me understand my world better, I'd most often find myself not finishing the articles, not able to muster the energy to go through another segment that looked like a dry, bland as toast, somebody please help me!... contribution.

     Yes. Most of what I read and devoured...

     And... that's not only me.

     I tell you that because a lot of business owners I‘ve met, listened to, read about, have all suffered with the problem of having critical business and life information… delivered to them in a boring, complex and non entertaining way.


     What that tells me is that no matter what the nature of the information, people want to receive it in a way that stimulates, involves and educates.

     You’ll find that the information you’ll get in the SWINGING FOR THE FENCES weekly e-Letter, as well as the full blown, monthly newsletter, is delivered in a  language and style that I think you’ll love. It’s written in the way you and I, talk.

There’s nothing lofty, nothing pompous, nothing complex. You’ll soon see what I mean once you subscribe to the FREE e-letter.

     Also, there's a number of sections in there that'll not only give you practicals to boost your profits, you'll get your protein for your mind as well as the warmth for the heart and... laughter for your whole being.   
Could this be the voice of reason and sanity you've been looking for in a world gone mad?

     Let's you and I be frank; we've all chosen to get into a profitable business enterprise for our own reasons. I can bet though that you didn’t get in it to struggle, complain or earn less than you can, whilst putting out the fires in your life on a daily basis, right?

     I sure didn't.
But, do you what... I honestly found a better way to deal with it all. 


     You see, I’ve had the privilege to sit at the feet of the world’s best marketing practitioners, the words best people at keeping and maintaining a fabulously happy family, the world best writers…

   ... and, a lot of that magical information it's packed into a weekly e-Letter missile... and, a full blown monthly e-publication. 

Let me tell you that I’ve managed to personally take copious notes, download into my brain information in all those areas that matter most. I believe I’ve information to share with you that can have a dramatic impact in your life.

     But then again... you be the judge.

     Subscribing to the SWINGING FOR THE FENCES marketing and life strategies e-Letter, is easy. All you have to do is complete the information in the box below and pretty soon, you'll start receiving into the cosy room of your inbox, a practical and heartfelt conversation about life, love, marketing and living a quality life that you’ll not receive anywhere else than in the way you will with your SWINGING FOR THE FENCES subscription.

Who's ever heard of  "GUARANTEEING" a FREE Publication?

     As mentioned earlier, 
there's a lot of people, places, things... that are wrestling for your attention every single day. The information mountain is piling higher and higher... and there seems to be no sign of it stopping.

     That's why, I've no hesitation in letting you know about 
my personal promise to you...

     If I fail to deliver any information that can't directly help you, that can't make you feel fantastic about yourself, that can't deliver practical marketing and business gems that doesn't put hard cash into your pocket, then... PICK UP THE PHONE, SCREAM AT ME AND TELL ME LIKE IT IS!

     And do you know what? If I don’t deliver information that doesn’t


Delivering BIG on Promises - it's the one glaring advantage most,  -- don't, won't, can't--  keep 

Too many people are hesitant, unsure, wishy washy in what they promise, in what they offer. 

They're fearful of being made accountable. They shun the responsibility to give their audience real, practical, entertaining information on a regular, consistent basis.

I sincerely hope that you give me a shot and see if I don't fufill on my promises. 

Those being... handing you q
uality, practical and vital information designed to improve your life...

and also...
it's presented  in a way that'll keep you engaged, entertained and informed.



improve your life, that doesn’t impact your profits, that doesn’t bring a cheer of inspiration on a continual basis to you and your life, then print out all the weekly e-letters and the monthly BIG NEWSLETTER and… SET FIRE TO THEM! 

     And that's not all...

     After you've enjoyed the bonfire, what I want you to do then is to write to me and tell me that I was full of hot air and weekly stuff and nonsense
(please don’t worry, I’ve a somewhat bullet proof self image and will probably only weep a dozen or so tears – BOO HOO!) and NOT ONLY THAT…

I’ll personally pay you to enrol in a fee paying newsletter subscription to one of my competitors! 

     I hope you can see by the information contained in this website, and, in the way it's written and presented, the outrageous guarantee... FOR A FREE PUBLICATION!!... as well as the special confidential marketing reports you'll get as a gift for registering to the newsletter... that there's simply more to this than a guy talking to you about marketing, life and business.

     I hope you can see that you're about to engage in a life conversation that can have a dramatic effect in how the rest of your life turns out. 

But... Why FREE? Why am I Really Doing This?

     You know, i've noticed that there's a lot of Gimme Gimme Gimme in this world. People wanting a lot, but, delivering not a lot in return. There's a lot of the 'what's in it for me?' mentality.

     I suppose it's a fair question. However, there's not a lot of people who believe in the
human spirit, in the compassionate nature of people, in the idea that when you give, without expecting nothing in return, you'll be rewarded in abundance.

     I'm one of those people who DOES believe in the above.

     My goal is simple:
to give you valuable insights, thoughts, ideas, practical ways of creating super effective marketing; of living a super contributing and joyous life. And that too, without you having to wrestle with your conscience, with your wallet, or...with all the other things that are clamouring for your time.   

Once a month you'll get 4 solid pages of marketing and life strategy insight that'll give your life that missing energy, sparkle and that crackling electricity for living and enjoying your truly wonderful life. 

     If, through our conversation through this website, through the full blown monthly newsletter, through the weekly e-Letter missiles -- you find that you're absolutely comfortable, at ease with everything that's delivered,  you're happy with the value and the information you're receiving -- you may think about considering me for any project work, marketing consulting or copywriting you're thinking of doing.

     Of course, let me quickly add that there's no obligation, no strings, and absolutely nothing for you to invest in. It's also quite possible that the information you glean from the website and other contact communication, will be enough for you to implement and apply yourself.

     If that's the case, it'd give me a great kick if you'd write and tell me how things had worked out for you so I can share your wonderful story with the other subscribers of the SWINGING FOR THE FENCES newsletter.

I hope that's alright with you?

So...why me from everyone else out there?

     There's a million and one people out there in the world doing something similar to what I am, so why should you listen to me; why should you invest your precious time, a part of your valuable life listening to me and what I have to say?

How do you distinguish between the good stuff and the bad; the hype from the genuine?

Well, that's a judgement you'll have to make. After going through the information on this website, looking at the way the whole thing is put together, deciding whether the language and content settles comfortably with you... you'll be able to see whether things feel right, whether it all makes sense to you or not. And look; we can all smell bluster, buffoonery, fakery, danger. If that's the case here, your internal gut system will tell you to either stick on, or, to slide on by. Again...
you be the judge!

     Well, for starters, just by reading this website you'll see that this website isn't like the majority out there. Whilst most others are all looking to you as a meal ticket, someone who'll fund their children's college education, someone who'll soon get them that Porsche they've always wanted, that house, that investment...

     I'm more interested that your life works -- with the information, the conversation I'd like to share with you.  And guess what? If it doesn't work... send me to the cyber trash bin, never to rubbish your inbox again.

     I've learnt all I know, by sticking close to the people who are the best in their field. I've found out that the biggest and best value I've ever received was when I paid through the nose for expertise in areas I wanted to better myself in.  

     Whether it's learning from the best copywriters and direct

With Gary Halbert - one of world's great copywriters - Phoenix, Arizona 2002
Copywriting seminar

marketing specialists in the world' travelling to their backyard , to training with Europe's largest coaching and training organisation, to learning the beautiful art of family relations from those relatives who have been married for over 50 years...

     I like to keep things simple. Although this website maybe long in content, it's simple enough to follow.  And look, if you were looking to get into a marriage, would you want to
know as much as you can before getting invlolved?

     I sure hope so, because marriage and business are pretty much the same. There's still the key decisions to make in both scenarios. Of course, there are some who take it to the extreme and their lives are run by their business, whilst at the same time...

... have run their marriage into the dirt!

     I don't think that you've decided on that option. Quite the opposite I hope. And, the insights you'll get in this uniquely* put together publication will help you to live
 a more happier relationship, as well as having a spankingly profitable business!

     *I say uniquely, as when you receive the publication, you'll see a refreshing change from all the same type of Internet marketing pounding you get from many e-
publications. Also, I know how laughter is instrumental to living a happy and joyous life. I've not left that out! 

     Sure, many peers and 'pros' will say that's not the way to write a newsletter, it's not professional enough, it's not technical enough, there's too much content, there's too much friendliness in it all...
this is business for crying out loud!

     Want to know something? Nothing could please me more than in hearing those comments!  I'll tell you why I said that. The late great Earl Nightingale -- the founding father success and personal development -- said something decades ago that I heard recently -- and it stuck with me.

 Here's the jist of it: 

If most are going one way, acting like sheep, the best thing you can do is... do the opposite. And, if you can't find a role model to help you do what you want... be your own role model.

     It's truly profound stuff.

     Especially when you apply that idea to every area of your life. 

Did you like that? 

     Well, you can get a whole more of that type of thinking, that mindset, that... application to living. -- And it all really can... make your life SOAR!!   
 It's time to seize the moment -- are you ready?

     I really want to thank you for reading the information in this website. I'd alsolove it to be able to reach you on a weekly basis where you'll get some of the most energising, uplifting and practical pieces of information you'll find on the web. 

     What would you feel like if you had information to inspire, motivate and cause you to really value yourself and...
what you do for others? 

     You'll find that your inclusion to the 'Swinging For The Fences' club, could be the turning point your life's been waiting for.

     I strongly believe in the warmth and personal connectivity of people and I sincerely believe that our lives and paths will come together again, soon.

     Wishing you a truly spectacular life. 

Raja  C. Hireker

P.S Oh, did I tell you about the personal killer lies we all tell ourselves, the very lies strangling our very desire to make it BIG in the world?  Well, as a SPECIAL FREE GIFT for registering for the SWINGING FOR THE FENCES newsletter and weekly eMissiles, I'll send you this provocative Personal Killer Lies report. Let me just say that the content of this report could be rather alarming. However, there also contains a fabulous breath of fresh air re-invention. Look out for it. It'll pop into your inbox within 24 hours of subscribing. Thanks again


The 'Swinging For The Fences'
Marketing & Life Strategies e-Newsletter
First Name:
Your Email :

Of course; your email is a precious gem. It'll
stay within the treasure box of this website and 
 won't be sold, rented or merely tossed away...
that's a promise!

If you encounter any difficulties in signing up,
simply send an email to


Raja C. Hireker 
6 Runnymede Crescent, London SW16 5UD, UK
FAX/PHONE : 44 (0) 208 764 1085
Email: hireker@btopenworld.com 


Raja C.Hireker © 2007 All Rights reserved








